Published onJanuary 27, 2025CodeFestCTF'25 - Forensics - Password Recoveryctfcodefest-ctfforensicsrevsrandBruteforcing 15 character long password generated by the srand function, using the current time as the seed.Read more →
Published onSeptember 22, 2024TCT'24 - Misc - Secret Missionctfmisctct-24race-conditionCrack the secret 100-digit code in under 340 attempts and 60 seconds to prevent a nuclear meltdown.Read more →
Published onMay 10, 2024AIRANGE'24 - Pwn - NotesctfpwnairangefmtGiven a libc leak, perform a ret2libc attack.Read more →
Published onMay 3, 2024picoCTF - 2024 - Pwn - Format String 3ctfpwnpicoctffmtgot-overwriteOverwriting GOT by exploiting the Format String Bug to make a system call for a shell. My first GOT overwrite solve.Read more →
Published onApril 16, 2024picoCTF - 2024 - Pwn - Format String 2ctfpwnpicoctffmtarbitrary-writeOverwriting a variable using the Format String Bug to fulfill an if-else condition for printing flag.txt. A very interesting challenge, to be honest.Read more →