

Muhammad Haris

DevOps Engineer & CYS Student

👋🏼 I'm Haris a.k.a ArcusTen 🎯

Undergraduate Cybersecurity student and DevOps engineer, currently expanding my knowledge in DevSecOps as my main field, with a focus on reverse engineering for CTFs.


  • Programming Languages: Python, C++, Bash, JavaScript
  • Tools & Frameworks: Docker, Jenkins, Ansible, Github Actions
  • Platforms: Linux, Windows, Vercel, Digital Ocean

Currently Learning

  • Programming Languages: Golang
  • Tools & Frameworks: Kubernetes, Terraform, SonarQube
  • Platforms: Azure, AWS


  • Infrastructure Manager at TCT-24 CTF, hosted by AirXeros & TheCyberThesis (2024)
  • Founder at TheCyberThesis (Feb 2024 - Present) [Islamabad, Pakistan [Remote]]


  • Bachelors in Cyber Security from Air University, Islamabad (2023 - 2027)


  • 1st Place in CodeConCUI'24 CTF organized by COMSATS University, on-site in Islamabad (2024)
  • 2nd Place in AIRange'24 CTF by AUCSS (2024)
  • 2nd Place in CyberStorm 2.0 by Air University & PCC, on-site in Islamabad (2023)
  • Top 4% in TryHackMe a free online platform for learning cyber security & DevSecOps.


  • TheCyberThesis Website - I developed and deployed a landing page for my cybersecurity startup named TheCyberThesis.
  • CTFd Discord Bot - A Dockerized bot that uses Discord channel webhooks to announce CTFd first bloods & solves with option to enable gifs or not.
  • YouTube Auto Play/Pause Chrome Extension - Automatically pauses YouTube videos when you switch tabs/windows and resumes playing when you return.
  • Weather App - A very basic weather app that fetching data from openweather.com through api key.
  • Docker CTF Containers - Created various web exploitationa and Linux privlege escalation rooms using docker.
  • FlashFlow - A simple terminal-based question/answer game where you have the chance to prove your knowledge about the mysterious theFlash2k.

Additional Experiences